Monday 7 February 2011

Things Looking Up....well it seems that way to me

I'm posting this and somehow dooming to the fate that has befallen every relationship that I have had with the opposite sex..............

It's strange where relationships come from I think.
When you want one, they never materialise. When you are in a better place & starting to cope on your own, all of a sudden one drops out of the sky and lands on your face (& wiggles). You can take that in any way you like

I've been chatting to someone online who put her hand out to me for comfort many months ago. Very recently she was suddenly in a similar situation to mine and she asked for me for comfort. As soon as I found out I was in contact.
We spend hours on the phone and we've really hit it off & my head is constantly preoccupied with thoughts of her & by all accounts she's feeling the same thing.

For the first time in months I'm actually smiling. I think it's worrying a few people to be honest. The Paul they know doesn't smile....he must be ill.
Well a month ago if I knew I was ill & dying I would have welcomed it. Now...nope, no way I'd fight to live!!
Someone has breathed life back into me & I love it, I really do.

I feel more positive about me & I like me more. And the best thing is.....I can be totally JUST me. I don't have to put on any pretense, because she seems to like me the way I actually am. Now that has to be a rarity in a woman. Well the ones I've met anyway. I don't have to watch my language, I don't have to mind my "p's & q's", we can talk openly & frankly and it's all okay with her. It's very refreshing.

As I said, I've probably now doomed the relationship to the rubbish pile that has been my lovelife so far, but I just wanted to tell someone/anyone about how great I was feeling at the moment.

Take care all
(if there is anyone that actually reads this ofc )